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Resep Bebek Goreng Sambal Bawang Putih Enak ~ Fried Duck with Garlic Sambal

Resep Bebek Goreng Sambal Bawang Putih Enak ~  Fried Duck with Garlic Sambal.

Nyam..nyam..nyam….!!! Siapa sih yang nggak tau makanan ini. Kalau lewat didepan warung yang menyediakan bebek goreng aja, perut pasti keroncongan, bahkan bisa dangdutan apalagi ditambah sambal bawang atau terasinya hehehehhehe……:)IMG_1274

Bahan 1/Ingredients 1:
– Air (Water)
– 1 ekor bebek, potong 12 bagian (1 whole duck, cut into 12 pieces)
– 1 jempol lengkuas, iris tipis (approx 3cm of galangal, slice thinly)
– 1 jempol ginger, iris tipis (approx 3cm of ginger, slice thinly or a tea spoon of ginger powder)
– 1 sdt kunyit powder (1 tsp turmeric powder)
– 2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
– 1 sdt ketumbar powder (1 tsp coriander powder)
– 5 daun bay/salam (5 bay leaf/salam leaf)
– 10 biji bawang putih, iris tipis (10 garlic clove, slice thinly)
– 2 bawang merah besar, iris tipis (2 french onion/shallot, slice thinly)

Bahan 2/Ingredients 2 – Sambal Bawang Putih/Garlic Sambal:
– 5 bawang putih, potong dua (5 garlic clove, cut into 2 pieces)
– 2 cabe merah besar potong-potong (2 big red chillis)
– sedikit garam (a pinch of salt)
(goreng bawang putih dan cabe setengah matang, uleg setengah kasar, masukkan garam ~ sauté garlic and chili half cook, ground with the salt-your sambal is ready)

Bahan 3/Ingredient 3 – hidangan pelengkap/to serve:
– Nasi/cooked rice
– Daun Kol/Cabbage
– Timun/cucumber
– Daun Kemangi/basil leaf
– Kecap manis/Sweet soy sauce

-Rebus semua bahan nomer 1 sampai bebek lunak (kalau pakai panci presto lebih cepat lagi).
(mix all ingredients number 1, bring into boil until the duck soft)
-Goreng bebek sampai kekuningan.
(light fried the duck until golden brown)
-Hidangkan dengan nasi, daun kol, irisan timun, daun kemangi, kecap manis.
(serve with rice, cabbage, cucumber, basil leaf and sweet soy sauce-or you can serve with your favorite steam vegies)

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