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Resep Bubur Enak Bu Endank ~ Rice Porridge Recipe

Resep Bubur Enak Bu Endank ~ Rice Porridge Recipe.

Loving this fresh porridge recipe. Bikin tambah tenaga untuk kerja \0/ Sayurnya bisa pakai apa saja, sawi, kailan, bayam….apaaaa saja !!!! Thank you mbak End for the recipe 🙂


-6 cups of water (6 cup air)
-1 cup of good quality basmati rice, wash  (1 cup beras basmati, cuci bersih)
-4 chicken thigh skin off , cut onto small pieces (4 paha atas, buang kulit dan tulang, iris kecil-kecil)
-a thumb of ginger, slice thinly (1 jempol jahe, iris tipis/keprek)
-1 cup of English spinach (1 cup bayam Inggris/bayam kampong)
-Salt (Garam)

-Boil 6 cups of water in a pot.
(taruh air di panci, masak sampi mendidih))
-Add rice.
(masukkan beras)
-Add chicken, cook until the rice soft.
(masukkan ayam, masak sampai beras lembut)
-Add salt and spinach.
(masukkan garam, lalu masukkan bayam)

Happy Breakfast \0/

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