Indonesian Oxtail Soup Recipe

Indonesian Oxtail Soup Recipe.
Untuk versi bahasa silahkan kunjungi Resep Sup Buntut.
This is one of Indonesian signature dish. Everyone knows “Sup Buntut” – oxtail soup in Indonesian. Most big hotel in Indonesia got this dish on their 24 hours menu. It does make sense, as its always serve hot with rice and lots of little condiments like kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), sambal (chilli paste), emping melinjo (emping crackers), lime and bawang goreng (fried shallot) to serve. Makes this dish suitable for anytime you want to eat. I’m so happy that I can find the emping crackers, it makes this dish is authentic.
Indonesian Oxtail Soup Recipe
Author: Arie's Kitchen
Recipe type: Beef
Cuisine: Indonesian
Serves: 4
- 1 kg cut oxtail, trim the fat bit
- Water (roughly 1.5 to 2 litre)
- 2 cup chopped carrot (approx. 4 carrot)
- 2 cup diced potato
- 1 medium celery stalk, slice
- 2 big tomatoes, cut into pieces
- 2 spring onion, cut into 1 cm length
- 5 clove
- 1 lime halve, for serving
- kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), for serving
- Chilli sambal, for serving
- Rice enough for 4 people, for serving
- Emping crackers, optional (you can find it at Asian groceries store)
- Fried shallot (optional)
- 2 big French onion/10 asian shallots
- 4 garlic clove
- 1.5 tsp ground black pepper
- ½ tsp ground nutmeg
- salt
Cooking Instructions:
- Boil enough water in a pot, add oxtail. Cook in a medium heat until the meat half cook. Add more water if needs to (make sure the meat covered in liquid at all time).
- Add the paste and clove, cook further until the meat nearly tender.
- Add carrot and potatoes, cook until soft.
- Add spring onion, celery and tomatoes, stir well, cook for about 3 minutes, turn off the stove.
- Serve oxtail soup with the rest of condiments on the side.
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