My Organic Garden 30.11.2013
It was heavy rain last night I’m not sure for how long, definitely enough to make my organic garden happy. Oh…I see my beetroot on the ground, I guess it’s a sign that they are ready to be harvested so I did. What a good timing as I will have people over for dinner tonight. Beetroot salad will be on the table.
If you want to have beetroot in your garden, here’s the tips:
*When you buy beetroot from the shop, keep the top part and plant it in your garden. After you harvest them you can do the same thing over and over that you do not need to buy beetroot anymore \0/

When I do gardening, I feel so relaxing. Watching the plant growing is giving me a smile. Some people might think that I’m crazy but my garden is my sanctuary and I do talk to my plants….hmmm…now I am crazy lol !
Happy Weekend Everyone !
- Vegetarian Pasta Recipe
- Short Trip to Sydney Australia