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Scotch Fillet Steak with Sauté Potatoes and Carrot

Scotch Fillet Steak  with Sauté Potatoes and Carrot
Scotch Fillet Steak  with Sauté Potatoes and Carrot.

2 slice scotch fillet steak
4 small rosemary stalk (4 batang rosemary)
1 garlic clove, sliced (for steak) + 2 garlic clove, sliced (for the side dish ingredient) – (1 bawang putih, iris – untuk steak, 2 bawang putih, iris – untuk  bumbu kentang)
6 baby potatoes, slice into 4 part (6 kentang kecil, belah menjadi 4 bagian)
2 carrot, slice (2 wortel, iris)
olive oil/butter
Salt and pepper

-Boil carrot and potatoes for about 10 minutes/until cooked, discard the water.
(rebus wortel dan kentang kira-kira 10 menit atau sampai empuk, buang airnya)
-Cook Steak : heat the oil/butter, add garlic, 2 stalk of rosemary, put both steak in. Cook to your liking.
(Masak steak: panaskan min yak/butter, masukkan bawang putih, 2 batang rosemary, masukkan daging steak, masak sesuai selera anda)
-While you cook the steak, prepare the side dish.
(Sambil memasak steak, siapkan kentang)
-Heat 3 tbs oil in a pan, add garlic, 2 rosemary stalk, cook until garlic soft.
(panaskan minyak, masukkan bawang putih, 2 btng rosemary, masak sampai bawang merah matang)
-Add potatoes and carrot, cook until little bit brown add salt.
(masukkan kentang dan wortel, aduk sampai kentang berwarna kekuningan, masukkan garam)
-Serve the steak with sauté potatoes and carrot for side dish. You can add salt and pepper to your steak.
(hidangkan steak dengan tumis kentang dan wortel, tambahkan garam dan merica jika mau)

*Serve 2*

Tips: If you want to save some dishes, you can cook the side dish first and then use the same pan to cook the steak 🙂

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