Resep Salad Jeruk Bali Mudah ~ Very Refreshing Pomelo Salad

Resep Salad Jeruk Bali Mudah ~ Very Refreshing Pomelo Salad.
Untuk versi bahasa kunjungi Resep Salad Jeruk Bali.
Recipe suggestion from Flo Y. (modified by Arie’s Kitchen)
-1/2 medium size pomelo, peeled.
-1 chili padi, slice thinly
-1 ½ tsp brown sugar
-1-2 tbs chopped coriander leaf
-3 tsp fish sauce
-2 tbs hot water
-2-4 tbs unsalted roasted peanut (or you can use pine nut or other nut)
-Mix all ingredients except pomelo, until well mix. Give it a taste and make you are happy with it.
-Mix the sauce with pomelo !!!!!!!
This is really HOT \0/
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